Chris O'Brien

Cryopreservation of avocado shoot tips

13 October 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
The supply of smashed ‘avo’ is secure for generations after world-first research cryopreserved the tips of avocado shoots and then revived them to create healthy plants. QAAFI PhD student Chris O’Brien will present an update on his PhD research titled 'Cryopreservation of avocado shoot tips'. 

Changes in food behaviours, diet and health during COVID-19

1 October 2020 4:00pm5:15pm
NSA Sydney Regional Group Webinar. Hear insights from QAAFI's Professor Eugeni Roura as well as Dr Janet Franklin & Dr. Jessica Swinbourne, Mr. Mark Boulet from BehaviourWorks, Dr. Sarah Berry and Dr Emily Brindal.
Dr Samir Alahmad

Designer roots for Australian wheat

29 September 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Samir Alahmad will present a research update about his GRDC funded durum wheat roots project. This research explores the potential to improve durum wheat yield by combining key genes for above- and below-ground physiological traits.
Dr Millicent Smith

Understanding the physiological responses of pulses to abiotic stress: lessons learned and new steps forward

22 September 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Millicent Smith will present a seminar titled 'Understanding the physiological responses of pulses to abiotic stress: lessons learned and new steps forward'.
Katrina Hodgson-Kratky

Engineering sugarcane biomass for production of fuels and other bioproducts

9 September 2020 10:00am11:00am
Join Katrina Hodgson-Kratky, PhD Candidate, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland presenting on her current research.
Meeting future demands for renewable fuels and other bioproducts is dependent on the use of biomass feedstocks from highly productive crops such as sugarcane.
Prof Graeme Hammer

Sorghum for 2050

8 September 2020 9:00am
Prof Graeme Hammer will present an online seminar 'Designing sorghum crops for Australia’s climate in 2050'.

Science Honours Week

4 September 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
Discover UQ's honours research programs in our series of webinars. QAAFI is participating in a joint Institutes Showcase on 4th September 12-1 pm. “Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Molecular Bioscience, and Agriculture and Food Innovation webinar”. This will be run as a ZOOM meeting with a central presentation by AIBN/IMB/QAAFI co-ordinators followed by breakout rooms for prospective students to chat with academics.
Neil Halpin

Peanuts and soybeans

27 August 2020 9:00am
- New research in peanuts to assist in-field decision making – Neil Halpin (DAF and UQ)
- Updating soybean agronomy for 3 new varieties – Andrew James (CSIRO) and Natalie Moore (NSW DPI)
- Target spot and anthracnose in soybeans – Lisa Kelly (DAF)
Professor Eugeni Roura

Nutrition Webinar Series: Reduced protein diets

20 August 2020 12:00pm1:30pm
Please join us for our first nutrition themed webinar that focuses on research conducted in the area of reduced protein diets.
Dietary manipulation of nutrient-specific appetite in broiler chickens from QAAFI's Prof Eugeni Roura
Joe Eyre

Early sown sorghum

21 July 2020 9:00am
- Farming systems impacts of early sown sorghum on crop water use efficiency, implications for subsequent crops, likely crop frequencies and system profit- Joe Eyre (University of QLD)
- Winter sown sorghum establishment, emergence and performance- Loretta Serafin (NSW DPI) & Joe Eyre (University of QLD)
- Discussion on pros and cons of sowing sorghum early or late to beat the heat.
Joe Eyre

Summer crops in western regions

14 July 2020 9:00am
- Summer crops – their role in western farming systems and ways to increase reliability in NWNSW and SWQLD - Lindsay Bell (CSIRO) & Joe Eyre (University of QLD)
- De-risking summer crops - strategies to reduce risk and optimise system benefit- Discussion led by Paul Gardoll (MCA Goondiwindi), Phil Lockwood(Meremley Agricultural Services) & Loretta Serafin (NSW DPI)
Luis Prada e Silva

FitBits and calving cows - bringing together science and new technologies

25 June 2020 12:00pm
Join the discussion on "FitBits and calving cows - bringing together science and new technologies" with Anita Chang (Central Queensland University) and Tim Schatz (NT Department of Primary Industries & Resources), hosted by Luis Prada e Silva (UQ/QAAFI) - president of the AAAS Qld & NT Branch.

Rural Press Club (Online): Senator the Hon. Simon Birmingham

21 May 2020 12:45pm
Thursday, 21 May 2020 - 12.45pm for a 1.00pm start
Professor Robert Henry

UQ Science online seminar - Prof Robert Henry

15 May 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
Q&A on access and benefit sharing for biological research in Queensland: Professor Robert Henry
Daniel Rodriguez

Broadacre cropping in northern Queensland Virtual Field Day webinar

6 May 2020 6:00pm
On 6 May 2020, the CRC for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) and the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) teamed up with our three research leads working on broadacre cropping projects in North and Far North Queensland to deliver a virtual field day.
Ian Godwin

Webinar: Good enough to eat? Next generation GM crops

21 April 2020 12:00pm1:30pm
In a world of mounting carbon emissions, will technological innovation be perceived as the solution to meet global food demand for healthy food, rather than one of the problems?
Hon. David Littleproud MP

Rural Press Club (Online): Hon. David Littleproud MP

9 April 2020 12:15pm
The Rural Press Club is delighted to introduce RPC Online, our new webinar-based system to deliver the latest in agribusiness. Despite the recent global impact of COVID-19, the Rural Press Club is determined to continue to bring you valuable information and insights to help you navigate this difficult time, and to keep you connected to our strong and vibrant agribusiness community.
Beef Industry Breakfast - Smart spending on superb science

Beef Industry Breakfast - Smart spending on superb science

31 March 2020 6:45am9:00am
The Australian beef industry is constantly working towards increased productivity and profitability through better management – but what science, technologies and practices are going to get us there? Join MLA at this beef industry breakfast to hear about the investments that are delivering 'transformational change' for Australian beef. Hear from School of Agriculture and Food Sciences UQ researchers – Dr Simon Quigley, Dr Nick Hudson and James Volmer and how their research is delivery transformational change for Australian beef.

Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) Queensland Plant Pathology Seminar

23 March 2020 10:30am2:30pm
The Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) Queensland Seminar Series is held thrice a year at a different location in Queensland to present the plant pathology research being conducted across the state and to facilitate potential linkages between individuals of different institutes and organisations.
Daniel Rodriguez

Management of Fall Armyworm - webinar

13 March 2020 2:00pm
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is hosting a webinar aimed at everyone who manages crops that maybe be affected by the Fall Armyworm pest.

Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Exploring the genetic options

10 March 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
QAAFI Institute Director, Professor Robert Henry, will present a seminar titled "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Exploring the genetic options".

Seminar: SMART foods for food and nutrition security in Africa

9 March 2020 2:00pm
Professor M. Naushad Emmambux from the University of Pretoria will present a seminar titled 'SMART foods for food and nutrition security in Africa'.

QAAFI International Women's Day 2020 Celebration

6 March 2020 10:30am11:30am
Join QAAFI to celebration International Women's Day 2020 by hearing from some inspirational women in agricultural research

Through the Nanopore – Latest Developments, Applications, and Directions.

26 February 2020 12:00pm1:00pm
Warren Bach from Oxford Nanopore Technologies will present a seminar titled "Through the Nanopore – Latest Developments, Applications, and Directions".
