The value add of sensing technologies to agri-food systems
By 2050, the global population is estimated to be in excess of 9 billion people. This will impose an increase stress on the current food production systems. Technological disruptions such as digital agriculture, food agility, big data, have been utilised to characterise changes in the way agro-food systems evolve and function. These disruptive technologies incorporate new approaches in how food production systems are analysed, measured and monitored. In addition, such approaches are creating new opportunities for interdisciplinary research. This seminar will highlight past, current and future advances in the implementation of sensing technologies in agro-food systems (e.g. food forensics and provenance, crop phenotyping, animal health and nutrition diagnostics).
Presented by:

Associate Professor Daniel Cozzolino has an agronomy degree (Uruguay) and a PhD in Animal Nutrition (Scotland). He has expertise in high-throughput sensors (spectroscopy) and data analysis techniques (chemometrics and machine learning) applied to a wide range of agricultural products, commodities and foods. During the last 20 years, he has evaluated the utilization of non-destructive sensors targeting applications used to measure and monitor food composition and quality, authenticity, origin, and provenance, on farm applications (crop quality, animal nutrition) and rapid phenotyping tools. His current work focuses on the development of both innovative methodologies applied to the food value chain and high-throughput approaches.
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Research contact: Associate Professor Daniel Cozzolino, Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, QAAFI, T: +61 7 336 52144 E:
Science seminar coordinator: Dr Craig Hardner E. T. +61 7 334 69465
QAAFI communications: Jackie Kyte E.
About Science Seminars
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation hosts science seminars across the disciplines of animal, horticulture, crop, food and nutritional sciences.
With a range of speakers from Australia and abroad, the series explores how high-impact science will significantly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the tropical and sub-tropical food, fibre and agribusiness sectors.
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The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation is a research institute at The University of Queensland supported by the Queensland Government via the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.