The world’s foremost researchers and plant breeders will share the latest breakthroughs at the 11th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics in Brisbane. Conference chair and UQ Professor Michael Udvardi said the gathering from September 30 to October 3 would shape strategies to improve legumes for sustainable food and feed production.
The conference aims to provide a platform for international researchers to present their latest research findings on basic research on tropical plants, to network with colleagues from around the world, and to meet the Editors-in-Chief and some of the Associate Editors of the journal Tropical Plants.
The collectivist practices of Aboriginal communities over tens of thousands of years could help solve the problems facing global food production systems, according to author, farmer and educator, Bruce Pascoe.
The growing global focus on sustainably produced food is a huge opportunity for Australia, according to the Australian Government’s Special Representative for Australian Agriculture, Su McCluskey.
Feeding the world’s spiralling population as we cope with the ravages of climate change will be the focus of this year’s TropAg International Conference in Brisbane from 31 October to 2 November 2022.