The Bos indicus genome, a history of tropically adapted cattle in Australia

11 April 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
QAAFI's Centre for Animal Science Director, Prof Stephen Moore, will present a QAAFI Science Seminar titled, "The Bos indicus genome, a history of tropically adapted cattle in Australia".

“Fantastic” folates and where to find them in Australian foods?

4 April 2017 4:00pm5:00pm
Honorary Professor Michael Rychlik will present a NSA and RACI seminar "“Fantastic” folates and where to find them in Australian foods?" at Forensic and Scientific Services, Coopers Plains on Tuesday 4 April 2017.

Challenging conventional wisdom on how wheat and oats soluble dietary fibres modulate lipid levels

4 April 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Nima Gunness will present a QAAFI Science Seminar Series titled "Challenging conventional wisdom on how wheat and oats soluble dietary fibres modulate lipid levels" on Tuesday 4 April.

Primary plant cell walls as cellulose hydrogels

28 March 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Director for QAAFI's Centre of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Professor Mike Gidley will present "Primary plant cell walls as cellulose hydrogels" at a QAAFI Science Seminar on 28 March 2017.

Development of herbicide-tolerant cassava via a high-throughput chemical mutagenesis platform

21 March 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Emily McCallum from ETH Zurich in Switzerland will present "Development of herbicide-tolerant cassava via a high-throughput chemical mutagenesis platform", in QAAFI's Seminar Series on 21 Tuesday March 2017.

Beyond the black box – using biological insight and crop models to enhance plant improvement

14 March 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
QAAFI's Director of the Centre for Plant Science, Professor Graeme Hammer, will present "Beyond the black box – using biological insight and crop models to enhance plant improvement" on 14 March in QAAFI's Science Seminar Series.

Nutritional modulation of puberty in Bos indicus heifers

7 March 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Luis Silva will present a QAAFI Science Seminar on "Nutritional modulation of puberty in Bos indicus heifers". Dr Silva has recently joined QAAFI to work in the field of ruminant nutrition.

QAAFI: Where to next?

28 February 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
As QAAFI enters its seventh year of operation, what are the key challenges facing the organisation to meet the research priorities of our stakeholders? Where will the growth be in crops, horticulture and food sciences? How can QAAFI’s global research collaborations deliver benefits to Queensland, and tropical and subtropical production systems in northern Australia? What are the challenges and opportunities to meet the key challenges of reduced R&D funding, climate stressors, technology and consumer drivers over the coming years? Join Professor Robert Henry, Director of QAAFI, for the first of QAAFI’s 2017 research seminar series.

AIFST Qld nutrition for optimal health seminar (wine & cheese session)

22 February 2017 6:30pm8:30pm
This event provides an opportunity for Queensland-based food manufacturers and academics to hear from two nutritional experts from QAAFI on the changing focus of nutritional guidelines from around the world and how the development of new healthy food products to deliver measurable health outcomes. Following the session, a networking event will be held on the rooftop terrace providing a networking opportunity for students, academics and industry professionals.

Is Area-wide Pest Management Useful? The Case of Citrus Greening

2 February 2017 9:00am10:00am
Assistant Professor Ariel Singerman is visiting from the University of Florida and will present "Is Area-wide Pest Management Useful? The Case of Citrus Greening", in the QAAFI Science Seminar Series. 
QAAFI's Summer Grains Field Walk 2017

QAAFI's Summer Grains Field Walk 2017

31 January 2017 9:45am2:30pm
Join the free walk at the Macalister field trial, Queensland.

Grant writing skills workshop for early career researchers

9 December 2016 2:00pm4:00pm
QAAFI in collaboration with UQ School of Biological Sciences has held a workshop to support early career researchers at the University of Queensland.

Genomics – applications from bacteria to livestock

6 December 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
International researchers Associate Professor Henrik Christensen and Associate Professor Paul Stothard will present a QAAFI Science Seminar entitled, "Genomics – applications from bacteria to livestock".

Five decades of leucaena R&D: Is it time to move on?

29 November 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Associate Professor Max Shelton from the Faculty of Science, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences,
The University of Queensland will present "Five decades of leucaena R&D: Is it time to move on?" in a special SAFS and QAAFI seminar.

Your microbes & you - unlocking the secret lives of your gut microbiota

8 November 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Barbara Williams from QAAFI`s Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences will present Your microbes & you - unlocking the secret lives of your gut microbiota. The combination of diet (particularly plant cell walls) and microbial activity in the gut, have been implicated in the prevention of several chronic diseases, usually associated with the Western world. These diseases include cardio-vascular disease, Type II diabetes, obesity, and colo-rectal cancer amongst others.

Systems agronomy for maize and sorghum in the Northern Region

1 November 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Associate Professor Daniel Rodriguez from QAAFI's Centre for Plant Science is presenting a seminar titled "Systems agronomy for maize and sorghum in the Northern Region".

Long-read SMRT Sequencing for New Insights into Genomes, Epigenomes and Transcriptomes

28 October 2016 10:00am11:00am
Long-read SMRT Sequencing for New Insights into Genomes, Epigenomes and Transcriptomes
David Williams and Dr Yasmina Sultanbawa in the lab

Discovery & impact: The Kakadu Plum

25 October 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Research into this native fruit has provided the scientific grounding for an emerging industry that has brought together the funding, the science, the buyers and the Indigenous community. Dr Yasmina Sultanbawa from QAAFI's Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences and David Williams, from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries will give an insight into the science and impact of the Kakadu Plum.

Improvement of nitrogen use efficiency in European winter oilseed rape

18 October 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Andreas Stahl is a visiting research fellow from Liebig University and will present, "Improvement of nitrogen use efficiency in European winter oilseed rape".

High tech food: will the world swallow it?

13 October 2016 6:00pm8:00pm
Many people might not connect the high science disciplines of nanotechnology, information technology and biotechnology with healthy, ethical and sustainable food production, but Professor Robert Henry, Director of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, an agricultural research institute based at the University of Queensland jointly supported by the Queensland Government, says these technologies are critical to future food production.

Clouds, (fowl) Cholera and Contigs

10 October 2016 12:00pm1:00pm
Associate Professor Pat Blackall from QAAFI's Centre for Animal Science is presenting a seminar titled "Clouds, (fowl) Cholera and Contigs".
