• The seventh Animal Science poster Olympics 2023

    Animal Science Olympics 2023

    Established in 2012, this competition is hosted by QAAFI's Centre for Animal Science. It attracts around 50 higher-degree students or early career researchers in animal science from universities, CSIRO, the Department of Primary Industries and other research institutions.

    The competitors present their research across many broad areas of animal science including koala healing, rumen microbiology and bovine genetics.
  • The sixth Animal Science poster Olympics 2021

    Animal Science Olympics

    Established in 2012 by Associate Professor Ala Lew-Tabor, the competition run by QAAFI's Centre for Animal Science.

    In previous years the competition has attracted more than 26 participants, both research higher degree students and early career researchers in animal science from different UQ Schools and Institutes, CSIRO and the Qld Department of Agriculture & Fisheries.

    The competitors present their research across many broad areas of animal science including koala healing, rumen microbiology and bovine genetics.

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