• Professor Ben Hayes

    BeefUp Forum at Esk

    BeefUp Forums are hosted by MLA and provide an opportunity for northern Australian beef producers to learn something new, stay up-to-date with the latest on-farm research and technologies and meet others working in the red meat industry.
  • Influence of nutrition on milk delivery to new-born calves

    Influence of nutrition on milk delivery to new-born calves

    Median calf wastage between confirmed pregnancy and weaning in northern Australia is 10-15%, depending on region. The overall loss is estimated in the vicinity of 1 million calves in Australia annually. A similar situation exists through all tropical beef systems globally. Diseases and animal issues cause some of the loss, but the majority of wastage is associated with poor pregnant cow nutrition and high environmental stress. A very high proportion of calf mortality occurs within the first few days after birth. Preliminary research has identified about 30% of cows may be susceptible to a 3-day delay in starting full milk production after calving, putting calves at considerable risk.


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