Dr Eddie Ti Tjih Tan's exceptional research on the "Food safety risk assessment of Indospicine in Australian camel meat" has received the Dean's Award for 2016.
Less than 10% PhD Theses at UQ will receive the distinguished award, as the thesis must be deemed as 'exceptional' by examiners.
Dr Tan was supervised by Associate Professor Mary Fletcher, Associate Professor Rafat Al Jassim and Dr Bruce D'Arcy, and attributes his success and positive PhD experience to them.
"This award comes as a bonus and I would love to dedicate the award to those who spent countless of hours helping me in getting my PhD. This award could not be possible without their assistance. " Dr Tan said.
"I will never forget the wonderful research experiences I have had."
Dr Tan is now a senior lecturer at the Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia.
Dr Tan was supported by Universiti Teknologi MARA, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, and QAAFI.
"Special thanks to my sponsors for providing me such a wonderful platform to carry out awesome research," Dr Tan said.