The latest crop area and sorghum production estimate for the summer season 2016-17, shows little was planted for summer in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
Given it was one of the hottest summers on record and with heat waves recorded in NNSW, this approach used here would be closer related to area harvest than what was planted due to failed summer crops in many areas. Click here for map.
Note: The terminology Non Crop is used loosely and could include crops not included in the classification process. Fallow class refers to cropping land not planted to summer crops. Dry land Cotton was also accounted during this classification.
Thank you for all those who contributed to the fields collected via our web based platform ( ).
Please assist our crop type and location project by registering and recoding the 2017 winter season. This will also allow you to be in the running to win a mini iPAD.
If you have any queries and maybe how we can progress this research further, and make sure we can get an accurate and near real-time crop estimate every season please contact Dr Andries Potgieter.
Note: The terminology Non Crop is used loosely and could include crops not included in the classification process. Fallow class refers to cropping land not planted to summer crops. Dry land Cotton was also accounted during this classification.