Apply for a Higher Degree by Research (PhD and MPhil)

QAAFI enrols domestic and international PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) and MPhil (Master of Philosophy) Higher Degree by Research students.

Step 1 - Explore QAAFI research centre of your interest

QAAFI comprises of four research centres, the Centre for Animal Science, Centre for Crop Science, Centre for Horticultural Science and Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences

If you are not sure which Centre suits your research interest, you can view a list of potential advisors below. 

Find an advisor UQ Researcher Database

Step 2 - Identify your advisor(s)

Identify QAAFI researcher(s) that could be your potential advisor by discussing your project interests with them, and provide your Curriculum Vitae (CV) so that they can assess your suitability for a potential HDR project.

If you are an international student, you may also be requested to provide evidence of meeting UQ's English Language Proficiency Requirements.

If the advisors you have nominated are unable to supervise you, please contact other potential advisors directly.

You may also ask QAAFI Centre Directors to circulate your research interest to staff in their centre; Centre for Animal Science, Centre for Crop Science, Centre for Horticultural Science and Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences

Exceptionally high-achieving applicants may be nominated for the UQ Graduate School scholarship by their advisor.

Additionally, some advisors may already have HDR projects where they are looking for potential students, which also include scholarship.

Graduate School Scholarships QAAFI Scholarships Earmarked Scholarships

Step 3 - Secure your future advisor's support

Through correspondence with the QAAFI researcher(s) of your interest, confirm their advisor support.

Step 4 - Collect supporting evidence for your application

The evidence required to apply for an HDR program is outlined on the Future Students website.

Please discuss how to fund your Higher Degree by Research (HDR) with your advisor who can guide you to the most appropriate options to support your studies.

Step 5 - Ask for more details

If you need further assistance in guiding you through the Graduate School’s HDR application process, please email the HDR Liaison Officer.

Apply Now

All QAAFI supervised students must agree to:

Student Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement

Complete your HDR Candidate Profile form to have a web profile.

If you require updates to your profile please email:

Profile form here


Phani Paritala
Higher Degrees by Research Liaison Officer (Science Team)

+61 7 344 31175

Contact for all enquiries, including admission and candidature requirements

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