As QAAFI research programs have a strong commercial focus, we need our students to agree to certain confidentiality and intellectual property provisions.

Students are likely to be involved in research projects (your own or those of your peers) that are directly or indirectly funded through private sources. These funds are typically provided on certain conditions in relation to the intellectual property which will be created as part of the funded research. In order for the University to fulfil these obligations it is required that all people working on these externally funded projects provide the necessary rights to the University. It is for these reasons that all students are asked to assign the ownership of any potential IP (intellectual property) they create during the course of their study at QAAFI.

  • The Student Intellectual Property & Confidentiality Deed Poll is compulsory for all QAAFI-enrolled HDR (Higher Degrees by Research) students. This document is normally signed as part of your application process, however more information and access to the form is available here:

SIPC Deed Poll

Pre-existing Intellectual Property

If you personally own any Intellectual Property (IP) where you have done any research in another institution prior to your UQ commencement then you need to declare it to UQ. Otherwise any IP used or disclosed during your UQ enrolment will be treated as University owned IP.

You will need to review all the tabs of UQ Policy and Procedures Library (UQ PPL) regarding UQ's Pre-Existing IP and submit the notification form to the QAAFI HDR team by the deadline stated in Procedures - Section 5.3

Intellectual Property Procedure


In regards to your IP assignment or your confidentiality obligations, please contact the QAAFI Research Grants team or your HDR Liaison Officer at


Filename convention

All QAAFI-advised students need to ensure your electronic SIPC filename reflects your full name - e.g. SURNAME Given-names - SIPC format.