Professor Robert Gilbert, a researcher at the QAAFI Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, is a world-renowned polymer chemist, he served in leadership roles in the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry or IUPAC, the world’s governing body of the discipline.
For the past four years Prof. Gilbert has been working collaboratively with the Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), in the city of Wuhan in China. As a key national university HUST was founded in 1952. ‘Nature’ magazine has named it among the ten leading science and technology research institutions in China.
Prof Gilbert was instrumental in establishing a Better Cereals Centre with Yangzhou University in December 2016. The centre involves collaboration between Australia and China in research on cereal grains.

Professor Gilbert is currently based at the Wuhan Institute of Biotechnology, where he set up a well-equipped laboratory. He has been directing his latest efforts towards developing new diabetes treatments. After years of work Prof. Gilbert achieved a breakthrough relating to the biophysical mechanics of the disease, discovering that diabetes is uncontrolled glucose release.
Prof. Gilbert now works mainly in Yangzhou University, one of the top agriculture departments in China. He is central to the new Better Cereals Centre, an alliance between Yangzhou University and QAAFI.