Suitable Biomass for a Sustainable Sugarcane Industry
Project participants: The University of Queensland, CRC Northern Australia, Sugar Research Australia and Far Northern Milling Pty Ltd.
Total project value: $1,185,986
Project length: 3 years (2020-2023)
Finish date: 30 September 2023
Project status: Current
Project research leader: Professor Frikkie Botha
Research locations: Mareeba, Mossman, Cairns, Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide.
This project seeks to identify and develop new opportunities for diversification for sugarcane growers and millers in tropical Far North Queensland by examining options to:
- increase the total biomass production per unit land area by screening diverse genotypes and other crops;
- retain close to current sucrose production but increase the total carbon production (more fibre and molasses or cane juice); and
- add-value to the fibre, molasses and tops of the sugarcane plant.
In addition to testing new 'energycane' varieties, researchers will also trial the use of sorghum as a perennial feedstock option for mills and growers. Gathered data will assist researchers to identify the 'best bet' diversification options and sustainable business models to inform future industry investment and planning.

Expected outcomes
- Develop a comprehensive chemical profile of the sugarcane plant (stem and leaves) for both current commercial varieties and atypical germplasm that are well suited for biomass production and diversification opportunities.
- A comprehensive analysis of the chemical composition of sorghum to determine how it can complement the sugarcane biomass supply.
- A diversification model for all sugarcane production areas that wish to diversify their income streams from sugarcane.
Project Updates
Project Update 1: Project overview
Project Update 2: Mid-season crop composition
Project Update 3: Mid-season sugarcane water-soluble chemical composition
Project Update 4: Sweet Sorghum as a Supplementary Crop
Project Update 5: Sweet Sorghum in a Sugarcane Production System
Project Update 6: Suitable Biomass for a Sustainable Sugarcane Industry
Project Update 7: Yield and composition of the sugarcane plant crop
Project Update 8: Suitable Biomass for a Sustainable Sugarcane Industry
Professor Frederik Botha
Professorial Research Fellow,
Centre for Crop Science,
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation,
The University of Queensland.
View researcher profile