QAAFI HDR priority projects
Suitably qualified, high-achieving Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students have the opportunity to pursue research in key strategical priority agricultural scientific fields. The QAAFI adviser will decide in consultation with DHDR if eligible current and future QAAFI domestic and international students should be nominated for a UQ Graduate School scholarship. The QAAFI scholarship committee may rank these nominees higher, but this does not guarantee success during UQ Graduate School’s assessment across the Science Cluster.
Please contact the relevant QAAFI researcher to discuss project opportunities and visit the UQ Graduate School’s competitive scholarship rounds website if they agree to nominate you for a UQ scholarship.
Explore strategic priority research areas and a chance at a UQ scholarship:
1. Field Crop Science
Enhancing grain farm productivity
This project area seeks to explore avenues to enhance productivity and profitability at whole farm scale that would include metrics associated with production, economics, financial and climate risks, and long term sustainability. The farm scale analysis would involve whole farm modelling.
Contact: Associate Professor Daniel Rodriguez
Improving adaptation of grain legumes in northern cropping systems
This project area will explore the physiological basis of growth and development of key grain legumes, especially mungbean or chickpea, and application of crop modelling to better quantify and understand their adaptation.
Contact: Associate Professor RCN Rachaputi