Dr Oladipupo Adiamo

Oladipupo Q. Adiamo is a PhD student at the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), The University of Queensland. He completed his BSc and MSc degrees (Food Science and Technology) from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria in 2010 and 2014, respectively. Thereafter, he proceeded to King Saud University, Saudi Arabia where he bagged another MSc in Food Science (with a specialization on Functional Foods and Food Safety).
His previous research works were focused on sustainable agriculture by the development of new food products using health beneficial properties from agricultural by-products and application of innovative non-thermal treatments to improve food safety. During his overseas master’s program, he also worked as a research assistant and has published several articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
His present PhD study is focused on increasing the potential use of underutilized Australian indigenous wattle seeds. This will be achieved by applying innovative non-thermal processing methods to improve the safety of the seeds for human consumption and producing value-added protein products from the seeds.
1. Adiamo, O.Q., Netzel, M.E., Hoffman, L.C., & Sultanbawa, Y. (2020). Acacia seed proteins: Low or high quality? A comprehensive review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12508 [Impact factor (IF): 9.912].
2. Olukomaiya, O.O., Adiamo, O.Q., Fernando, W.C., Mereddy, R., Li, X., & Sultanbawa, Y. (2020). Effect of solid-state fermentation on proximate composition, anti-nutritional factor, microbiological and functional properties of lupin flour. Food Chemistry, 315, 126238. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126238 (IF: 6.306].
3. Ahmed, I.A.M., Al-Juhaimi, F., Adisa, A.R., Adiamo, O.Q., Babiker, E.E., Osman, M.A., ... & Elkareem, M.A. (2020). Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from Argel (Solenostemma argel Hayne) leaves using response surface methodology (RSM). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-10 (IF: 1.946).
4. Shelat, K.J., Adiamo, O.Q., Mantilla, S.M.O., Smyth, H.E., Tinggi, U., Hickey, S., ... & Sultanbawa, Y. (2019). Overall Nutritional and Sensory Profile of Different Species of Australian Wattle Seeds (Acacia spp.): Potential Food Sources in the Arid Semi-Arid Regions. Foods, 8(10), 482 (IF: 4.092).
5. Maqsood, S., Adiamo, O., Ahmad, M., & Mudgil, P. (2019). Bioactive compounds from date fruit and seed as potential nutraceutical and functional food ingredients. Food Chemistry, 308, 125522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125522 (IF: 6.306).
6. Babiker, E.E., Al-Juhaimi, F.Y., Alqah, H.A., Adisa, A.R., Adiamo, O.Q., Ahmed, I.A.M., ... & Ozcan, M.M. (2019). The effect of Acacia nilotica seed extract on the physicochemical, microbiological and oxidative stability of chicken patties. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(8), 3910-3920 (IF: 1.946).
7. Makawi, A.B., Mustafa, A.I., Adiamo, O.Q., & Ahmed, I.A.M. (2019). Quality attributes of Kisra prepared from sorghum flour fermented with baobab fruit pulp flour as starter. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(8), 3754-3763 (IF: 1.946).
8. Alderaywsh, F., Osman, M.A., Al-Juhaimi, F.Y., Gassem, M.A., Al-Maiman, S.A., Adiamo, O.Q., ... & Ahmed, I.A.M. (2019). Effect of traditional processing on the nutritional quality and in vivo biological value of Samh (Mesembryanthemum forsskalei Hochst) flour. Journal of Oleo Science, 68(10), 1033-1040 (IF: 1.304).
9. Makawi, A.B., Mustafa, A.I., Adiamo, O.Q. and Mohamed Ahmed, I.A. (2019). Physicochemical, nutritional, functional, rheological, and microbiological properties of sorghum flour fermented with baobab fruit pulp flour as starter. Food Science and Nutrition. DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.913 (IF: 1.797).
10. Hassan, A.B., Ahmed, S.M., Elkhatim, K.A.S., Abdelhalim, T.S., Fawale, S.O., Adiamo, O.Q. and Mohamed Ahmed, I.A. (2019). Effect of gamma irradiation and microwave heating treatments on microbial load and antioxidant potentials in cinnamon, fennel and hot pepper. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 1-9. (IF: 1.648).
11. Al Juhaimi, F., Özcan, M.M., Uslu, N., Ghafoor, K., Babiker, E.E., Adiamo, O.Q. and Alsawmahi, O.N. (2018). The effects of conventional heating on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of olive leaves. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 55(10): 4204-4211 (IF: 1.946).
12. Al-Juhaimi, F.Y., Shahzad, S.A., Ahmed, A.S., Adiamo, O.Q., Ahmed, I.A.M., Alsawmahi, O.N., ... and Babiker, E.E. (2018). Effect of Argel (Solenostemma argel) leaf extract on quality attributes of chicken meatballs during cold storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(5), 1797-1805 (IF: 1.946).
13. Alsawmahi, O.N., Al‐Juhaimi, F., Alhamdan, A.M., Ghafoor, K., Adiamo, O.Q., Mohamed Ahmed, I.A., ... and Younis, M. (2018). Phenolic, tannin, antioxidant, color, and sensory attributes of Barhi date (Phoenix dactylifera) fruit stored in modified atmosphere packages. Journal of Food Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1111/jfbc.12576 (IF: 1.662).
14. Hassan, A.B., Mahmoud, N.S., Elmamun, K., Adiamo, O.Q. and Mohamed Ahmed, I.A. (2018). Effects of gamma irradiation on the protein characteristics and functional properties of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 144, 85-91 (IF: 2.226).
15. Alsawmahi, O.N., Al-Juhaimi, F.Y., Alhamdan, A.M., Ghafoor, K., Mohamed Ahmed, I.A., … and Adiamo, O.Q. (2018). Enzyme activity, sugar composition, microbial growth and texture of fresh Barhi dates as affected by modified atmosphere packaging. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(11), 4492-4504 (IF: 1.946).
16. Adiamo, O.Q., Ghafoor, K., Al-Juhaimi, F., Babiker, E.E. and Mohamed Ahmed I.A. (2018). Thermosonication process for optimal functional properties in carrot juice containing orange peel and pulp extracts. Food Chemistry, 245, 79-88 (IF: 6.306).
17. Al-Juhaimi, F., Oczan, M.M., Adiamo, O.Q., Alsawmahi, O.N., Ghafoor, K. and Babiker, E.E. (2018). Effect of date varieties on physico-chemical properties, fatty acid composition, tocopherol contents and phenolic compounds of some date seed and oils. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13584 (IF: 1.405).
18. Matthaus, B., Ozcan, M.M., Al-Juhaimi, F., Adiamo, O.Q., Alsawmahi, O.N., Ghafoor, K. and Babiker, E.E. (2018). Effect of the harvest time on oil yield, fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol contents of developing almond and walnut kernels. Journal of Oleo Science, 67(1), 39-45 (IF: 1.304).
19. Al-Juhaimi, F., Ghafoor, K., Babiker, E.E., Özcan, M. M., Adiamo, O.Q., and Alsawmahi, O.N. (2018). Influence of Storage and Roasting on the Quality Properties of Kernel and Oils of Raw and Roasted Peanuts. Journal of Oleo Science, 67(6), 755-762 (IF: 1.304).
20. Babiker, E., Abdelseed, B., Hassan, H., and Adiamo, O.Q. (2018). Effect of decortication methods on the chemical composition, antinutrients, Ca, P and Fe contents of two pearl millet cultivars during storage. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 15(3), 278-286.
21. Al-Juhaimi, F., Adiamo, O.Q., Ghafoor, K., Mohamed Ahmed I.A., Oczan, M.M., Adisa A.A. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effect of Argel (Solenostemma argel) leaf powder on the quality attributes of camel patties during storage. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13496 (IF: 1.405).
22. Adiamo, O.Q., Ghafoor, K., Al-Juhaimi, F., Mohamed Ahmed, I.A. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effects of thermosonication and orange by-product extracts on quality attributes of carrot juice during storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(9), 2115-2125 (IF: 2.773).
23. Adeleke, O.R., Adiamo, O.Q., Fawale, O.S. and Olamiti, G. (2017). Effect of soaking and boiling on anti-nutritional factors, oligosaccharides contents and protein digestibility of newly developed Bambara groundnut cultivars. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5(9), 1006-1014.
24. Adiamo, O.Q., Eltoum, Y.A.I. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effects of gum Arabic edible coatings and sun-drying on the storage life and quality of raw and blanched tomato slices. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 1-14. doi.org/10.1080/15428052.2017.1404535.
25. Mohamed Nour, A.A., Adiamo, O.Q., Awad, R.M. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Changes in chemical composition and total energy as affected by fermentation and/or cooking of pearl millet flour supplemented with Moringa or fenugreek seeds flour. International Food Research Journal, 24(4), 1562-1570. (IF: 0.610).
26. Ahmed, S.O., Mohammed, D.O., Mohamed, F.A., Adiamo, O.Q. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effect of frying and storage on oxidative stability of oil blends and quality attributes of biscuits prepared with the blends. Annals. Food Science and Technology, 18(4), 564-572.
27. Al-Juhaimi, F., Oczan, M.M., Ghafoor, K., Adiamo, O.Q. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Phenolic compounds and sterol contents of olive (Olea europaea L.) oils obtained from different varieties. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49(1), 169-172. (IF: 0.800).
28. Al-Juhaimi, F., Adiamo, O.Q., Alsawmahi, O.N., Ghafoor, K., Zaidul, I.S.M. and Babiker, E.E. (2017). Effect of pistachio seed hull extract on quality attributes of chicken burger. Cyta-Journal of Food, 15(1), 9-14 (IF: 1.653).
29. Adiamo, O.Q., Fawale, O.S. and Olawoye, B. (2017). Recent trends in the formulation of gluten-free sorghum products. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 1-15. doi.org/10.1080/15428052.2017.1388896.
30. Adeleke, O.R., Adiamo, O.Q., Fawale, O.S. and Olamiti, G. (2017). Effect of processing methods on antinutrients and oligosaccharides contents and protein digestibility of newly developed Bambara groundnut cultivars: International Food Research Journal, 24(5), 1948-1955 (IF: 0.610).
31. Adeleke, O.R., Adiamo, O.Q. and Fawale, O.S. (2017). Nutritional, physicochemical and functional properties of protein concentrate and isolate of newly-developed Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterrenea L.) cultivars. Food Science and Nutrition, 6(1), 229-242 (IF: 1.797).
32. Adiamo, O.Q., Gbadamosi, O.S. and Abiose, S.H. (2016). Anti-oxidative and functional properties of kariya (Hildergadia bateri) protein hydrolysates obtained with two different proteolytic enzymes. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(2), 202-211 (IF: 1.405).
33. Mohammed Nour, A.A., Mohamed, A.R., Adiamo, O.Q. and Babiker, E.E. (2016). Changes in protein nutritional quality as affected by processing of millet supplemented with Moringa seed flour. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, Doi:10.1016/j.jssas.2016.05.006.
34. Adiamo, O.Q., Gbadamosi, O.S. and Abiose, S.H. (2016). Functional properties and protein digestibility of protein concentrates and isolates produced from kariya (Hildergadia bateri) seed. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(5), 979-989 (IF: 1.405).
35. Osungbade, O.R., Gbadamosi, O.S. and Adiamo, O.Q. (2016). Effect of cooking and fermentation on the chemical composition, functional properties and protein digestibility of sandbox (Hura crepitans) seeds. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 40(6), 754-765 (IF: 1.662).
36. Al-Juhaimi, F., Adiamo, O.Q., Ghafoor, K. and Babiker, E.E. (2016). Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed. Cyta-Journal of Food, 14(3), 369-374 (IF: 1.653).