
Turf is an integral part of the Aussie lifestyle. In this seminar, an overview of the Australian turf industry will be provided before research being done at QAAFI on turf pathology is described. Buffalo grass yellowing (BGY) is major problem on turf farms and can weaken the root system to a point where the turf mat no longer binds during harvest. A nationwide survey was done and several putative causes of BGY identified including at least three different viruses and a root-infecting fungus, Curvularia. Research to develop an integrated disease management plan for Ustilago cynodontis will also be described.

Associate Professor Andrew Geering

A/Prof Andrew Geering is one of the founding members of QAAFI, having previously worked with DAF as a plant pathologist for nearly 20 years. He is based at the Ecosciences Precinct,  specializes in plant virology and has worked on a wide diversity of crops including banana, citrus, avocado, macadamia and vegetables. In the last few years, Andrew has branched out into turf pathology through two Hort Innovation projects. Andrew is also active within the Australasian Plant Pathology Society and is currently President-elect of this organization.

A/Prof Andrew Geering, Principal Research Fellow,
Centre for Horticultural Science​, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation

E: a.geering@uq.edu.au T: +61 7 344 32459

For any questions, please contact the QAAFI Science Seminar Committee.

About Science Seminars

Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation hosts science seminars across the disciplines of animal, horticulture, crop, food and nutritional sciences.

With a range of speakers from Australia and abroad, the series explores how high-impact science will significantly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the tropical and sub-tropical food, fibre and agribusiness sectors.

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The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation is a research institute at The University of Queensland supported by the Queensland Government via the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.