Professor Ala Tabor, from QAAFI's Centre for Animal Science was the conference Chair for the 9th Tick and tick-borne pathogen (TTP9) conference held in conjunction with the 1st Asia-Pacific Rickettsia Conference in Cairns from 27 August to 1 September 2017, at the Pullman International.
The conference attracted 240 delegates from 37 different countries.
Delegates experienced nine diverse and engaging plenary speakers with a conference program of 130 posters and 120 short oral presentations.
"It was amazing seeing so many tick and rickettsia researchers together, presenting outstanding science." Professor Ulrike Munderloh from the University if Minnesota, USA said.

It was cross section of researchers from medical, veterinary and wildlife under the ‘One Health’ overall theme associated with the latest research associated ticks and vector borne infectious diseases.
Scientifically and socially, the conference was a huge success driven by the organising committee which included Dr Manuel Rodriguez Valle (Honorary Prof QAAFI), Dr John Stenos and Dr Stephen Graves (the Australian Rickettsia Reference Laboratory), as well as a diverse international scientific program committee of a further 24. Much of the sucess was also attributed to the Professional Conference Organiser Ms Jackie Kyte.
This was the first time a TTP conference has been held in Australia, the next will be in Romania in 2020.

Seated from left: John Stenos, Manuel Rodriguez Valle (both core committee), Monica Florin-Christensen (Argentina), Ala Tabor (Conference Chair), Bob Miller (USDA)
Standing from left: Pat Nuttall (UK, also a plenary), Peter Rolls (DAFQ), Uli Munderloh (USA, also a plenary), Petr Kopacek (Czech Republic), Kelly Brayton (USA), Jose de la Fuente (Spain, TTP Career Awardee), Stephen Graves (core committee), Gerhard Dobler (Germany), Allen Richards (USA)