Gaining 3MT skills: everyone's a winner

25 Sep 2017

Congratulations to Anahita Mizani, from QAAFI's Centre for Plant Science, for her presentation at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition UQ Final on Wednesday 13 September at Customs House.

After winning the QAAFI heat and All-Institute final, Anahita presented “Size Does Matter” to the packed auditorium to compete against seven fellow finalists.

2017 UQ 3MT Finalist - Anahita Mizani - Size does matter! from Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) on Vimeo.

Ms Mizani was awarded the Moffet Family Award and a $1000 cash prize, as part of the special golden jubilee of UQ’s Alumni Friends. However, she acknowledges the real benefits of participating were the development opportunities. 

“Participating in the three minute thesis competition gave me the opportunity to hone my skills in distilling and communicating information to tell a complex story," Ms Mizani said.

In Ms Mizani's presentation, she shared her research on developing smaller mango trees for higher yields and profit. 

"We are living in the time when society expects everything to happen fast," Ms Mizani said.

"To remain relevant in marketing and business fields, scientists will need to these communication skills to rapidly translate research to society."

Ms Mizani encourages all students to participate in future 3MT competitions. 

"Do not worry about winning or losing, if you can summarise your PhD thesis in three minutes in a way everyone can understand, you are already a winner!”

Ms Mizani acknowledges the support she has recieved from friends and family, colleagues, her research team at QAAFI and the Queensland Department Agriculture and Fisheries, advisors and other PhD students. Ms Mizani's principal advisor is Associate Professor Jim Hanan

Anahita Mizani performing at the 3MT UQ final at Customs House 

The 3MT final winners were Edwin Davis (Winner) EAIT, Chris McMillan (Runner-Up and People’s Choice) SCMB. Read more about the UQ 3MT finals here. 

The Asia-Pacific 3MT final will be held at UQ on 29 September 2017. More details here.
