2015 proved a successful year for QAAFI’s Dr Alice Hayward.

She won the 2015 Minister’s Award at the Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and received a Science and Innovation Award from Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited.
Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce presented Alice with award at
the Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in Canberra.
Dr Hayward was also the recipient of a UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award in 2015 worth $95,733. for her project, MICROpropagator - a small RNA application for plant propagation. The prestigious award aims to provide funds to advance and facilitate the research agenda of excellent, individual early career researchers, particularly where there is evidence of the strategic importance and significance of their research.
Dr Hayward has been recognised for her use of next-generation sequencing technologies to map the avocado genome and target a root-rot fungus that costs the industry more than $10 million a year.