Mr Michael Ryoo

Michael was born in South Korea and spent his formative years in New Zealand. Initially, he attained his Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Science specialising in Growth, Metabolism and Reproduction at the University of Auckland in 2013. Subsequently, his second degree in Bachelor of Food and Nutrition was completed at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Victoria in 2019. Prior to commencing his brief internship as a research assistant at QAAFI, he also finished a Graduate Certificate of Learning and Teaching (Secondary Education) at Griffith University in Brisbane, Queensland in 2020.
Michael’s project for his thesis investigates the dietary patterns and molecular mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of acute appendicitis, an inflammatory condition of the distal gut. With the primary aim of establishing a holistic approach to improved gastrointestinal health, Michael's main research interests lie in improved conceptualisation of the complex and ongoing interactions between diet, environment and genetics.