Adjunct Professor Brian Keating

Brian Keating is a graduate of the University of Queensland (B Agr Sc 1st Class Hons 1976 and PhD 1981). Brian’s career has focused on the productivity and sustainability of agricultural systems in Australia and sub-Saharan Africa. Brian was a pioneer in the application of simulation models in farming systems research in Africa and Australia. He was a foundation member of the Agricultural Production Systems Unit (APSRU) in 1991 and part of the team who conceived and developed the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) software.
Over the last two decades, Brian has held a number of senior leadership roles in CSIRO, including: Chief of CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (2004-2008), Director of Sustainable Agriculture Flagship (2008-2013) and the member of the CSIRO Executive responsible for Agriculture, Food and Health (2014-2015). Recent international advisory roles have included: Chair of the Science Advisory Panel of AgResearch - New Zealand (2013-2018) and Chair Independent Steering Committee of the CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) (2014-2019).
Brian retired from CSIRO in 2016 and alongside continuing professional engagements, he runs a small horticultural farm in northern NSW. Brian is currently a member of the Methods Advisory Committee for the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, QAAFI.
He was recognised as Distinguished Lecturer and Fellow of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST) in 2014. In 2020, he was awarded the Crawford Fund Medal for an Australian who has made lifetime contributions to international agricultural research. In 2022, he is to be honoured with the award of the CM Donald Medal for distinguished lifetime contribution to Australian Agronomy.
Researcher biography
Brian Keating (PhD University of Queensland 1981) is currently Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland in association with the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI). This honorary appointment follows on from a 40 year engagement in agricultural research in Australia and abroad. Brian's career has focused on the productivity and sustainability of agricultural systems in Australia and sub-Saharan Africa. He was a pioneer in the application of simulation models in farming systems research in eastern and southern Africa in the 1980's and 90's. Over the last two decades, Brian has held a number of senior leadership roles in CSIRO, including: Chief of CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (2004-2008), Director of Sustainable Agriculture Flagship (2008-2013) and the member of the CSIRO Executive responsible for Agriculture, Food and Health (2014-2015).
Brian served (2010-2015) on the Australian Government's statutory committees responsible for independent advice on the scientific and environmental integrity of greenhouse gas mitigation programs- namely Carbon Farming Initiative (DOIC- Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee) and the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERAC – Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee).
Recent international advisory roles have include Chair of the Science Advisory Panel of AgResearch - New Zealand (2013-2018) and Chair Independent Steering Committee of the CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) (2014-2019). Brian remains a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Irish agricultural research and extension agency, Teagasc and Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI). He was recognised as Distinguished Lecturer and Fellow of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST) in 2014.
Academic Qualifications
B.Agr.Sc (1st Class Honours) University of Queensland 1976
Ph.D University of Queensland 1981
Career Timeline
PhD Student University of Queensland 1977-80
Research Scientist CSIRO Tropical Crops and Pastures 1981-85
Research Scientist ACIAR/CSIRO/KARI Project Kenya 1985-89
Senior Research Scientist CSIRO Tropical Crops & Pastures 1990-98 Principal Research Scientist CSIRO Tropical Agriculture 1998-2000
Senior Principal Research Scientist CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 2000-02
Program Leader, Agricultural Landscapes CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 2002-03
Chief Research Scientist / Acting Chief CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 2003-04
Deputy Chief - Science Integration CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 2004-2006
Chief of Division CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 2006 – 2008
Director, Sustainable Agriculture Flagship CSIRO 2008 – 2014
Executive Director, Ag, Food & Health CSIRO 2014 – 2015
Honorary Fellow CSIRO Agriculture & Food 2016 – 2020
Adjunct Professor University of Queensland 2020 - present
Publication Summary Google Scholar reports 260 cited articles (3/4/2020) with 10,999 lifetime citations (4303 since 2015) and a lifetime h-index of 50. View my Google Scholar profile here.