Ms Kanwal Shazadi

Currently, I am a HDR student at Centre for Crop Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), funded by Australian Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship. I am working with Dr Karine Chenu and Dr Jack Christopher .In my PhD, I am interested to characterise the genetic variation in wheat root architecture late in crop development to improve yield and yield stability under water limited conditions. To achieve this I am doing some field experiments and laboratory work at Leslie Research Centre Toowoomba.
Project title: Can genetic variations in root architectural development during the crop cycle affect wheat productivity in water-limited environments?
1. Aziz, A., Mahmood, T., Mahmood, Z., Shazadi, K., Mujeeb-Kazi, A., & Rasheed, A. (2018). Genotypic variation and genotype× environment interaction for yield-related traits in synthetic hexaploid wheats under a range of optimal and heat-stressed environments. Crop Science, 58(1), 295-303.
2. Afzal, F., Reddy, B., Gul, A., Khalid, M., Subhani, A., Shazadi, K., ... & Rasheed, A. (2017). Physiological, biochemical and agronomic traits associated with drought tolerance in a synthetic-derived wheat diversity panel. Crop and Pasture Science, 68(3), 213-224.
3. Mahmood, Z., Napar, A. A., Mirza, J. I., Asad, M., Khan, Z., Shazadi, K., ... & Rasool, A. (2017). Pursuit of stripe rust resistance and association of yield contributing traits in elite bread wheat yield trial. International Journal of Biosciences, 10, 135-141.
Book Chapters
1.1. Mahmood, I., Imadi, S. R., Shazadi, K., Gul, A., & Hakeem, K. R. (2016). Effects of Pesticides on Environment. In Plant, Soil and Microbes (pp. 253-269). Springer International Publishing.
2.2. Imadi, S. R., Shazadi, K., Gul, A., & Hakeem, K. R. (2016). Sustainable Crop Production System. In Plant, Soil and Microbes (pp. 103-116). Springer International Publishing