Professor Alan Tilbrook
Queensland to lead Australia’s animal welfare research
With the appointment of Professor Alan Tilbrook to lead animal welfare research at QAAFI, Queensland will become the leader of animal welfare research in Australia. Since 2013, Professor Tilbrook has operated as Research Provider Champion and Chair of the Steering Committee for the National Animal Welfare Research, Development and Extension Strategy. He will continue in these roles, while Andrew Spencer, CEO of Australian Pork Ltd, remains as the Research Funder Champion. Professor Tilbrook will also continue to chair the annual National Animal Welfare Research, Development and Extension Forum.
Researcher biography
Professor Alan Tilbrook is nationally and internationally recognised for leading scientific research in animal science and biomedical science (endocrinology, neuroendocrinology, behaviour, stress, and reproduction). He is a global leader in animal welfare science. Professor Tilbrook has an outstanding balanced portfolio in leadership, strategic planning, research, academia, education and government. He leads Animal Welfare within the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation and the School of Veterinary Science at The University of Queensland. Professor Tilbrook has established and is the Managing Director of The Animal Welfare Collaborative (TAWC), which is a university-facilitated network of individuals, companies, and organisations working together to make evidence-based improvements in animal welfare. TAWC is led by The University of Queensland in partnership with The University of Western Australia, The University of Adelaide and The University of Newcastle. He is Chair and Research Champion of the National Primary Industries Animal Welfare Research, Development and Extension Strategy, represents Universities Australia on the Board of the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching, was a founder, Deputy Director and Co-Director of the Animal Welfare Science Centre, was the Research Chief of Livestock and Farming Systems at the South Australian Research and Development Institute and was Deputy Head of the Department of Physiology at Monash University. He has held numerous national and local leadership roles. Professor Tilbrook's research is conceptually driven with a multidisciplinary and integrative approach. He has developed cutting edge research programs across a range of species including sheep, pigs, poultry, cattle, goats, rodents, horses and humans. Professor Tilbrook places a huge emphasis on collaboration, training and professional development.