Dr Linh Hoang

Researcher biography
Linh Hoang is an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow (Mid - career) in the School of Agriculture & Food Sustainability. She was the holder of Australian Development Scholarship (AusAID) and Endeavour Postgraduate Award for her Master and PhD studies. Linh was awarded Best Paper Award for Early Career Scientist in 2015 by the Australian Society of Plant Scientists for her research paper published in Functional Plant Biology Journal. She has been researching abiotic/biotic stress tolerance, nutritional enrichment, value-adding to Agricultural waste, and enhanced carbon capture/climate change resilience on several crops including rice, pigeonpea, chickpea, mungbean and grasspea. Her research focuses on using advanced biotechnology including genome editing for generation of climate-smart crops. Linh received an Advance Queensland Research Fellowship (Early - career) for her research on enhanced insect resistance in pigeonpea (2017-2021). She is/was the associate/principal supervisor of five PhD and two Master (by research) students.