Dr Luke Williams

Researcher biography
Luke Williams is a proud Gumbaynggirr man of northern NSW. Luke's research primarily focuses on the traditional uses of native Australian plants with an empathises on understanding how traditionally used food plants can contribute to our modern food systems. This includes the promotion of traditional foods in Indigenous communities to improve food security and cultural wellbeing, through to supporting Indigenous businesses to lead the bush food industry, so that the nutritional and environmental benefits attributed to native plants can be enjoyed by all Australians.
Luke's PhD looked at the dietary safety assessment of Australian native foods. He continues this line of research today where he takes a mixed method approach. This includes working with Traditional Custodians to understand their history of use with a particular plant, and then supporting consumer safety through the generation of quantitative data, such as the measurement of toxicological endpoints and various chemical analyses.
Luke sees the growing native foods industry as a culturally appropriate economic opportunity for Indigenous Peoples. However, he also understands, that if these foods are to be made available to the public, then there is a need to ensure that they are safe for general consumption.