Dr Sharon Brown
Adjunct Senior Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Senior Research Fellow
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Book Chapter
Dart, P. J., Brown, S., Simpson, J. A., Harrison, S.R. and Venn, T. (2001). Experience from ACIAR Trials of the Suitability and Performance of Australian Tree Species. Socio-Economic Aspects of Adoption of Australian Tree Species in the Philippines. (pp. 7-20) edited by S.R. Harrison and J.L. Herbohn. Canberra, Australia: CSIRO.
Journal Articles
Van Cuong, Chu, Dart, Peter, Brown, Sharon, Van Thang, Tran and Le, Vo Thi Minh (2019). Enhancing bird biodiversity through improved water management in a Viet Nam wetland national park. Parks, 25 (1), 55-68. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2019.PARKS-25-1CVC.en
Van Cuong, Chu, Russell, Michael, Brown, Sharon and Dart, Peter (2015). Using Shoreline Video Assessment for Coastal Planning and Restoration in the Context of Climate Change in Kien Giang, Vietnam. Ocean Science Journal, 50 (2), 413-432. doi: 10.1007/s12601-015-0038-9
McNamara, Sean, Tinh, Duong Viet, Erskine, Peter D., Lamb, David, Yates, David and Brown, Sharon (2006). Rehabilitating degraded forest land in central Vietnam with mixed native species plantings. Forest Ecology And Management, 233 (2-3), 358-365. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2006.05.033
Harrison, Steve, Venn, Tyron, Herbohn, John, Dart, Peter and Brown, Sharon (2003). Some research experiences in socio-economics of non-industrial forestry in the Philippines. Annals of Tropical Research, 25 (1), 45-56.
Conference Paper
Robertson, S. K., Dart, P. J., Brown, S. M. and Kingston, G. (2002). Distribution and ecology of endophytic diazotropic bacteria within five Australian sugar cane growing regions. 9th International Symp on Nitrogen Fixation with Non- Legumes, Leuven, Belgium, 1-5 September, 2002. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven & Centre of Micro/Plant Genets.