Professor Mark Blows
Brian Wilson Chancellery
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

Mark received his PhD in Genetics from La Trobe University in 1994. He subsequently held an NSERC International Fellowship at York University and an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship at James Cook University, before joining the University of Queensland in 1998.
Mark was awarded two further ARC Fellowships, and served as Head of School of the School of Biological Sciences for 7 years. His major interests are in statistical genetics, with a particular focus on how genetic variance evolves, the distribution of genetic variance in high-dimensional phenotypes, and how genetic variation limits evolutionary change. In 2011, he was elected to the Australian Academy of Science.
Mark is UQ’s Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation. He has specific responsibility for Research Ethics and Integrity, and supporting the University’s research performance, including the submission of high quality applications to major national grant schemes.