Researcher biography
Dr Vijaya Singh is passionate about food security, without drawing upon more of the world’s resources, and helping farmers who are most affected by the climate change. Her interdisciplinary research work primarily aims to increase the food grain production on farmers field in the challenging agroclimatic conditions while maintaining the sustainability and health of the soil and environment. She has been working in a multidisciplinary team with QAAFI and SAFS since 2005, her research focusses on the root physiology, soil and plant nutrition and genetics of drought and heat tolerance in field crops. She is one of the leading experts in high-throughput phenotyping of intact root system architecture, and screening of large population for tolerance to drought and heat stress in grain legumes and cereals that have been subjected to various adverse environments (drought, heat stress, nutrients deficiency). She has published 7 scholarly book chapters, and 31 journal papers and peer-reviewed national/international conference proceedings. She has been involved in supervising and mentoring numerous PhDs, Masters, and Honours students in the disciplines of drought and heat stress physiology. Recipient of Australian Fresh Science National Award (2011). Vijaya is looking forward to overseeing all matters related with Honours program within QAAFI.