Dr Arun Kumar

Dr Arun Kumar has recently joined the CNAFS in QAAFI to contribute to the AgriFutures Consortium “Sustainable Precision Feeding in Broiler Chickens in Australia” led by Professor Eugeni Roura. Dr Kumar will be based at the Gatton campus. Prior to joining QAAFI, Dr Kumar held the position of Senior Research Officer and Poultry Unit Manager at the School of Agriculture and Food Science of The University of Queensland (Gatton Campus). During this time, he worked with most of the leading national and international animal nutrition/feed additive companies to develop innovative products for improved animal welfare and production performance. Throughout a career spanning over 27 years, he has conducted in excess of 150 performance and digestibility research projects related to broiler, layer, turkey, pig and sow nutrition. He has published over 40 papers in conjunction with several other poultry scientists. In the last three years, he attracted $ 1.7 million in commercial research grants. He has also been involved in teaching poultry nutrition, animal handling and husbandry, theory, and practical subjects for undergraduate students and supervising and co-supervising post graduate students. In addition, Dr Kumar has conducted several pig and poultry feeding experiments involving new feed additives aimed at obtaining Certification/Approvals from European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to market feed additives in the European Union.