Dr Kieren McCosker

Dr Kieren McCosker grew up on a sheep and cattle property near St. George in south-west Queensland before completing an undergraduate degree in agricultural science, majoring in animal science, from the University of Queensland. He earned his PhD from the University of Queensland in 2016 through determining and quantifying the impact the major factors affecting reproductive performance had on commercial beef breeding females in north Australia.
Between 2001 and 2021, Kieren worked within the Northern Territory Government sector as a Senior Livestock Scientist and gained research experience across many aspects of the northern Australia beef production systems. Currently, Kieren is the principal investigator of the MLA funded ‘Reducing calf mortality from exposure’ study and ‘uSuckled’ projects, and is collaborating on several other beef production focused studies, including ‘CalfAlive’, ‘Paddock Power’ and ‘Sweet Spot’. In addition to these, Kieren has research interests in the use of GPS and other remote technology to gain further our understanding of animal production and grazing behaviour. He was a key collaborator in an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research funded study developing growth-response curves for cassava tuber-based diets fed to Brahman cattle and improving the reproductive performance of cows and performance of fattening cattle in low input systems of Indonesia. Other recent research activities include an evidence-based assessment of the impact of wild dogs on NT cattle production, investigating the effect of providing single shot 5in1 vaccination on mortality in young cattle and defining the impact of surgical husbandry procedures on welfare of beef cattle.
Researcher biography
Kieren McCosker has expertise in tropical beef production. Kieren completed an Agriculture Science - Animal Science degree (University of Queensland) and later a PhD (School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland) deteriming the factors associated with reproductive performance in northern Australia beef cows, otherwise known as the Cash Cow project while working in the Agriculture Division of the Northern Territory Government's Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade. In 2021, Kieren commenced working with the Centre of Animal Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture, Food and Innovation and comes with approximately 20 years of experience investigating production issues across many facets of the northern beef production system and south-east Asia. Some of his current projects examine the impact of shade and paddock infrastructure on calf mortality, and utilising remote technologies to remotely detect key production events, such as calving and associated maternal behaviours.