Understanding the physiological responses of pulses to abiotic stress: lessons learned and new steps forward
Pulses play a critical role in farming systems and can provide good financial returns. Despite increasing global demand for pulses, they have received considerably low research investment compared to cereals. This provides opportunities to improve yield potential and stability for variable Australian environments. Sensitivity to abiotic stress in pulses is complicated by their indeterminate nature, as the length of the flowering window may be long at the expense of yield. This seminar will highlight priorities for research to advance our understanding of physiological responses of pulses to abiotic stress and assist in the design of more robust and productive pulses for the future.
Presented by:

Dr Millicent Smith is a plant physiologist with expertise in pulse crops. Typically working at the whole plant or crop level, her research is focused on understanding the above- and below-ground mechanisms that underpin adaptation to abiotic stress and the impacts of changing resource availability on yield and seed nutrient content. Millicent has extensive experience developing and applying novel chemical, isotopic and physiological phenotyping techniques and technologies across scales from lab to field.
Research contact: Dr Millicent Smith, Affiliate with QAAFI's Centre for Crop Science and Lecturer Crop Physiology at the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences at The University of Queensland, E: millicent.smith@uq.edu.au
Science seminar coordinator: Dr Craig Hardner E. c.hardner@uq.edu.au T. +61 7 334 69465
QAAFI communications: Jackie Kyte E. qaaficomms@uq.edu.au
About Science Seminars
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation hosts science seminars across the disciplines of animal, horticulture, crop, food and nutritional sciences.
With a range of speakers from Australia and abroad, the series explores how high-impact science will significantly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the tropical and sub-tropical food, fibre and agribusiness sectors.
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The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation is a research institute at The University of Queensland supported by the Queensland Government via the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.