
The AgriFutures Emerging Industries Program aims to foster growth and innovation in rural sectors by identifying and supporting emerging agricultural industries with high potential. This seminar outlines a collaborative project by UQ, QUT, Griffith University, and Food Innovation partners, focusing on enhancing genetic and genomic investments for 22 emerging industries. The project assesses crop/animal backgrounds, Australian industry demand for superior genetic material, resource availability, and regulatory considerations. Findings reveal the importance of engaging with indigenous communities, industry size, and growth potential in identifying opportunities. A decision-making tool assists industries, while hazelnut and jackfruit case studies offer templates for industry support development.

The Improving the Impact from Current and Future Genetic and Genomic Investments project is funded by AgriFutures. More information can be found here. 

Dr Bradley Campbell

Dr Bradley Campbell boasts over a decade of expertise in plant biotechnology research, specializing in plant molecular genetics since 2003. His work centers on employing genomic tools to enhance crop sustainability, particularly focusing on crops for food, feed, and bio-industrial applications. In addition, he has contributed to hay fever studies over the last five years, delving into the metagenomics of Australian climates' aerobiome and its correlation with allergies. Present projects include genotyping the Pacific Islands' in vitro taro collection for germplasm preservation and breeding, exploring infrared spectral cameras for taro salinity screening, and conducting a comprehensive bio-geographic analysis of the urban Australian aerobiome and its relation to allergic rhinitis.

Dr Bradley Campbell, Centre for Horticultural Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, UQ  E: b.campbell2@uq.edu.au

For any questions, please contact the QAAFI Science Seminar Committee.


About Science Seminars

Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation hosts science seminars across the disciplines of animal, horticulture, crop, food and nutritional sciences.

With a range of speakers from Australia and abroad, the series explores how high-impact science will significantly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the tropical and sub-tropical food, fibre and agribusiness sectors.

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The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation is a research institute at The University of Queensland supported by the Queensland Government via the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.


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